Vertical Platform Lift Versus Modular Ramp

When you need to provide wheelchair accessibility, whether it’s inside or outside of a building, you’ll have two main options to choose from:

Vertical platform lifts and modular ramps. Each option has its own set of advantages, and ultimately deciding which option is right for your needs will depend on your individual situation. Let’s take a look at the differences between vertical platform lifts and modular ramps to help you decide which is right for you.

Vertical Platform Lifts

  • Ideal for residential and commercial use
  • Suitable for indoor or outdoor use
  • Provide vertical access without requiring significant ground space
  • Powered lifts require no physical effort on behalf of the wheelchair user
  • Some models are repositionable and portable

Vertical platform lifts are almost like mini-elevators for wheelchairs and scooters. These lifts move vertically, which means they take up


little floor or ground space. They’re suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, but because they are powered, you’ll need to make sure that you have a power source available wherever you locate the lift.

One of the main reasons to choose a vertical lift is when you have limited space for a ramp. Ramps require significant space on the ground so that they aren’t too steep to navigate. If you’re working in tight quarters, installing a ramp might not be possible. Vertical lifts, like our PASSPORT® Vertical Platform Lift, can raise users to a 52” or 72” height without requiring the ground space that a ramp would need.

Modular Ramps

  • Ideal for residential and commercial use
  • Free-standing
  • Require ground space to allow for a suitable incline ratio
  • Versatile and can be designed to work around obstacles in your space
  • Easy to reconfigure and redesign
  • Suitable for temporary or permanent use

Modular ramps are one of the most popular options for easily making a building or space wheelchair accessible. They consist of ramps and platforms which create a steady incline that one can navigate in a wheelchair or scooter. These ramps may be as simple as one ramp designed to get a wheelchair over a set of two steps, or a more complex system designed for a greater rise into a building. When you purchase our PVI Modular XP Ramp with Handrails, you can choose ramps, platforms, and stairs in different lengths, widths, and designs to truly customize your ramp system to your needs.

One of the challenges that modular ramp systems may pose is their requirement for ground space. If you are trying to build a ramp with a high rise, you’ll need adequate space to build a long ramp or a ramp with switchbacks; otherwise, the ramp’s incline will be too steep to be safe. While modular ramp systems give you many choices in how you construct them, if you’re working within tight spaces you may simply not have adequate space for the amount of height that you need to achieve.

Considering Your Options

There’s one more factor to consider when making your choice, and that’s cost. It’s difficult to say which option is more economical for


since the price of modular ramps varies according to the system that you need.

If you’re unsure of which option is right for you, please contact us here at Med Mart. Our product experts would be happy to discuss the options and help you choose the right product for your situation.